How to Clean a Bunn Coffee Maker

How to Clean a Bunn Coffee Maker

The popularity of Bunn coffee makers has seen them used for both commercial and personal purposes. However, to keep enjoying a delicious cup of coffee and for the durability of the machine, they need to be cleaned from time to time. Since this is not too much to ask for, we are going to show you the most effective ways for cleaning a Bunn coffee maker to always keep it sparkling and free of bacteria.

Washing the Bunn Coffee Maker Pot between Uses

The best way to take care of your brewer is to clean it after every use. Clean the whole machine every 3 months.

  • Washing the pot by hand- Use a mild detergent, warm water, and a soft cloth. Avoid using an abrasive scrubber that can scratch the stainless steel or glass decanter.
  • Using a dishwasher- Place the pot on the top rack of your dishwasher, and in an upside-down position. Use a mild detergent and wash it on a normal cycle. Don’t wash the lid of the brewer in the dishwasher.

How to Remove Scales in a Bunn Coffee Maker

If you are using hard water, you need to clean your Bunn coffee maker at least once every 3 months. The magnesium and calcium in the water deposits inside the machine and affect its performance.

  • Before you start cleaning, make sure you’ve unplugged your coffee maker from its power source.
  • Make sure the brew funnel is in place in the machine, before setting the decanter unit as though you were making coffee.
  • Then add about 1 liter of white distilled vinegar to the top of your coffee maker.
  • When the vinegar stops flowing through the funnel into the decanter, empty the decanter and put it back in place.
  • Plug the brewer back into the power source and leave it for 2 hours. If you have a velocity machine, set it to the vacation switch.
  • After the 2 hours elapse, unplug the coffee maker once more but leave the funnel and decanter in it to catch the water you pour through.
  • Add I liter of cold water to the brewer and allow it to drain into the decanter. Empty and replace the decanter.
  • Pour another 1 liter of cold water through the coffee maker and once the water stops flowing, empty and set aside the decanter.
  • Unscrew to detach the spray head.
  • Hold the unit with one hand on the bottom front of the warming plate and your second hand on the top of the machine. Empty any fluid remaining into a sink.
  • Screw-in the spray head to re-attach it.
  • With the decanter and brew funnel in place, pour 6-8 more quarts of water through the machine. Empty the decanter as it fills.
  • Taste the water coming from the machine. If you still taste vinegar, then continue passing water through to rinse it until you get rid of the taste.

Do I Really Need to Clean My Bunn Coffee Maker?

You should rinse and wash the pot and filter each time you use your Bunn coffee maker. This will help get rid of bacteria that may build up in the coffee pot and will ensure your cup doesn’t taste like stale coffee.

How to Clean a Bunn Coffee Maker with a Spring Tool

  • Remove filter basket and unscrew water sprayhead.
  • Push deliming spring into the water tube at least 6 inches.
  • Push and pull the deliming spring at least 5 times in a quick motion.
  • Remove deliming spring, assemble the machine and start using.

How to Clean a Bunn Coffee Maker with a Deliming Tool

  • Unplug the coffee maker and let it cool before deliming.
  • Insert the flexible deliming tool into the sprayhead, leaving two inches out.
  • Slide the tool in and out, about 5-6 times to loosen the lime in the sprayhead tube. You can twist and push when inserting the tool, the remove.
  • Before replacing the sprayhead, pour 1 decanter of water into the machine. Position empty decanter on the brewer and close the lid. Water will flow into the decanter.
  • Check whether the holes of the sprayhead are plugged with mineral deposits, and clear them using a toothpick.
  • Clean the sprayhead with a soft cloth and mild detergent, and rinse with water before re-installing it. Empty water from the decanter.
  • Plug in the coffee maker and give it about 15 minutes to allow water in the tank to reheat before using it.

Can I clean My Bunn Coffee Maker with Vinegar?

Yes you can use vinegar to wash your brewer. If you start noticing stains on the sides or bottom of your glass coffee pot, use vinegar for a more thorough clean. Fill the whole pot with vinegar and let it sit there for 3-4 hours. Then, rinse and wash the coffee maker pot with warm soapy water.

Why is My Bunn Coffee Maker So Slow?

The probable reason your brewer is slow is that it needs to be cleaned. Calcium and mineral deposits from tap water can build up on your machine and make it brew slowly. If you have cleaned the coffee maker but the problem still persists, you may have a clogged valve problem as a result of trapped coffee grinds.

One secret to nice-tasting coffee is by using a clean brewer. Hopefully, with this Bunn coffee maker flashing clean guide, you should be able to thoroughly clean your machine to keep it healthy and in perfect working condition.