How To Reset Frigidaire Air Conditioner

How To Reset Frigidaire Air Conditioner

Most people call in an air conditioner maintenance specialist when it stops working, not knowing it is possible to troubleshoot and fix minor issues just by resetting it. You do not need to call the AC technician if your air conditioner is not producing enough hot or cold air. A simple reset will get the job done.

This process is easy, less time consuming and most important of all, very pocket-friendly. So how do you go about resetting your Frigidaire air conditioner?

Resetting A Frigidaire Air Conditioner

The first step in resetting an AC entails shutting it off at the thermostat. This should get the system issue resolved. Please wait a few seconds before switching it back on. To give it time to reboot its system.

Your next option would be to switch the air conditioner off entirely from the circuit breaker box. This will reset any preprogrammed settings making it possible for you to program it again. Wait at least thirty seconds, as you did with the first option.

Check this too: How to Unfreeze an Air Conditioner

Your third option is to press the reset button on your air conditioner to reset it. Follow the manual provided to carry out the reset procedure. Then proceed to input your new setting after resetting your AC unit

Does My Frigidaire Air Conditioner Have A Reset Button?

Yes. It does. Refer to the manufacturer’s manual if you do not know where the reset button is on your air conditioner. Usually, it is right next to the on/off switch.