Stainless Steel Kettle

How to Remove Rust From Stainless Steel Kettle

Rust is the product of chemical reactions between iron and moisture from air and water. This reaction forms a coating that is reddish brown.

Rusting is something that you can’t avoid. Every material can corrode. It just depends on the given material concentration, time, and temperature.

The surface film of stainless steel products is damaged in many forms, with the common situation in production and daily usage.

During production, the precipitation is minimized due to the heat during welding. The process of stamping, stretching, cutting, and grinding. Destroys the passivation film on the surface of stainless steel.

Sometimes even the dust particles with other metal substances. It can lead to the rusting of the stainless steel.

Organic liquids such as vegetable and noodle soup adhere to a stainless steel surface. Over time they react in the presence of water and oxygen.

With the results being organic acid. Which causes corrosion on the metal surface persistently.

Other substances such as acids, alkalis, and salts also cause corrosion. As well as substances in the polluted air. Such as sulfide and oxidized carbon.

Which reacts in the presence of condensed water. Then cause rusting.

All these substances discussed above cause damage to the protective film. Of the stainless steel surface. Which then leads to corrosion and rusting.

Keep in mind that stainless steel is not rust-proof. It is rust-resistant.

Kettles are continuously exposed to water. If kept in an environment of hard water or moisture left in the kettle. It will rust.

A stainless steel kettle is a container. That is used to boil water. Designed to withstand high temperatures needed for cooking on a stovetop. Or using electricity.

What protects stainless steel from corrosion? It’s chromium which is 10.5% of the steel. It creates a chromium oxide layer that is several nanometers only.

As long as there is sufficient chromium present. The chromium oxide layer will protect the stainless steel from rusting.

The most common type of rusting in home appliances is the one induced by chloride. It creates a non- hygienic condition.

Which can even destroy the tubing system or the material itself. This can happen even with a pretty low chloride concentration.

Varying between a hundred or a thousand ppm. Which in return is roughly 0.1% chloride concentration. Therefore, the rusting is always happening at a pretty low concentration.

So what are some ways of restoring a rusted kettle to its former glory?

Rust can be scrubbed. However, this is not always a good idea because you might end up scratching the item.

To scrub, you can use sandpaper, steel wool, or tin foil. If the kettle has a thick layer of rust. Start with a hardcore tool like a wire brush.

Then use a gentler tool like sandpaper or steel wool not to scratch the kettle’s surface. The scratches make the kettle less visually appealing.

White vinegar has high acidic content that can melt the rust away. Put some white vinegar in the kettle for about 10 minutes.

Depending on the amount of rust. As well as the delicacy of the item. It could take a full day or a few minutes. For the vinegar acidity to penetrate the rust.

After that, your kettle should be rust-free. It might need a little soft brush cleaning. Or wipe with clothing dipped in vinegar.

If you don’t care for scrubbing. Or high acidity from the vinegar. Using lemon is a more natural approach. To remove rust.

Rub some coarse salt on the rusted kettle. Once it’s fully coated, pour some lemon juice. Then let it soak for no more than 2 hours.

When you let it soak for longer, the lemon salt solution might destroy the kettle. After that, scrub the mixture off. Then rinse with lots of water.

Another benefit of using lemon is that it removes stains on the fabric. Whether on clothes or car seats.

Just put a bit of lemon juice on the stain. Then follow it up with a sprinkle of tartar in powder. Not only will it get rid of the stain. But it will also leave the fabric smelling good.

Tamarind water has high acidic content that can remove rust. Just put tamarind in the kettle and add water. 

Put the kettle to a boil, then let it cool. Skin deep a piece of cloth into the water. Use it to scrub away the rusted areas.

After that, let the solution sink for a couple of hours. Before rinsing with lots of water. Ensure none of the tamarinds is left as they can corrode the kettle further. If left for too long.

Baking soda doesn’t just turn your flat dough into delicious puffy chocolate chips. It’s also an all-around item used in toothpaste. As well as to unclog drains.

Since it is a type of salt, it can also remove rust. Being mildly abrasive makes it a top-notch product for cleaning rust.

Pour some baking powder into the kettle. Then add water. It should form a thick paste. Let it sink for 2 hours before scrubbing it off. 

You can use a steel wire brush, wool, or a toothbrush. Remember to be gentle. Not to leave marks. As well as to dry with a cloth after rinsing.

Citric acid might not be a very common house ingredient. But it can be found in many grocery stores.

As you have been learning, the acid dissolves rust. So Citric acid is no exception. It will restore the rusted kettle to brand new. 

Warm water in the kettle. Then sprinkle citric acid on top and stir gently. You should see small bubbles forming if you don’t pour some more citric acid.

Let the solution soak for 2-4 hours. Then scrub it off so all the rust is out, and rinse. This method might also work for you if the kettle has paint stains.

Potatoes are tasty as they are good rust cleaners, especially if you use the old one that was headed to the trash.

Potatoes are known to contain oxalic acid, which helps dissolve rust. Begin by cutting the potato into a size that is easy to use. The inside part of it.

Then pour a bit of salt, baking powder, or dishwashing liquid on the potato. Scrub the kettle with it. The rust will react to the mixture and dissolve.

The most fun method of all is removing rust using coca-cola. Here you get to channel your inner scientist. With the phosphoric and citric acid, it contains.

After drinking the glass, pour coca-cola into the kettle. Then leave it to soak for 24 hours. Scrub it a little and rinse with lots of water. To get rid of the stickiness that it forms.

In all of these methods. Keep in mind to always immediately dry off the kettle. To prevent rusting all over again. From the moisture.

This should also apply when using steel wool or wire brushes to clean rust. They both tend to fragment and leave pieces behind.

Stainless steel or nonmetallic scrubbing pads are much safer for food service appliances.

Touching rust or getting it on your skin isn’t associated with many health risks.

Water from a rusted kettle is not likely to harm you. In this case, I assume the rust is not in the form of flakes.

As well as, all water from the kettle is constantly boiled for 5 minutes. Boiling water is a well-known method to kill germs or any bacteria harbored.

On the other hand, iron is an essential nutrient for the wellness of human beings. Rust is iron oxide. Therefore it might not cause you harm.

The water will taste different. However, rust over a long period is not good for you.

Be sure to keep the kettle clean. Regular washing with soap and water will keep your kettle clean.

Scouring powders such as vim have also effectively removed stains from kettles. Be sure to rinse it well after cleaning.

Neglecting to clean the kettle for long periods could damage the appliance. 

Once every two weeks or so, clean the outside of the kettle. All you need is warm water and dish soap. Then wash and scrub using a soft sponge.

With regards to the outside of the kettle. Sometimes hand prints are usually left on it. Use some olive oil on the fabric to wipe them out. As well as to restore the shine of the stainless steel kettle.

To avoid rust formed from hard water. Remove the water after it is boiled from the kettle. Avoid leaving it in the kettle for too long. Wipe up the kettle after each use as well.

Don’t scrub the heating elements of the kettle. This is because they have a special protective coat. When you scrub, you can remove it as well as damage the appliance.

You have to be careful when cleaning an electric stainless steel kettle. It can’t go in the dishwasher. Or be completely submerged in the water in the sink.

The stainless steel kettle also repeatedly forms scales at the bottom due to boiling water. Sometimes it is a reddish color like rust or yellow. 

Using vinegar is the best way to remove scale. Lemon or lime water will work as well. The other steps are similar to when you are removing rust.

It is essential to know the difference between rust and scale. This is because the most effective cleaning methods differ depending on the nature of build-up.

In some cases, commercial products might be your best option. Make sure it is a cleaner compatible with your kettle.

Dilute it with water according to the instructions on the package. Then boil the solution. Just like with other methods, let it sit for a while. Before rinsing with cold water.

Remember that if you want to keep your stainless kettle clean and rust-free. Cleaning it every day will help instead of waiting to see a build-up of rust.

Wash the kettle using a dishwashing liquid and hot water. Rinse it thoroughly and dry it out daily.