Why is my electric heater blowing cold air

Why is my electric heater blowing cold air?

The last thing you want to deal with during a cold winter day is a nonfunctioning heater, especially if the temperature has dropped beyond zero. But most often than not, you find that this is the time your heater starts acting up. Particularly if you have an old heater.

One of the main issues you can face is the electric heater, not heating. No need to panic; this is easy to handle and there could be several reasons as why your electric heater is blowing cold air. Such as;

Thermostat’s Setting

Check your thermostat setting; it may have rebooted to a lower temperature setting. This may be due to several reasons, such as a faulty battery, electrical power outage if it is hard wired, software update if it is Wi-Fi enabled, or by human interference.


If the ductwork in your house is leaking especially in your attic, then chances are the cold air will cool the air in your vents and lead to cold air blowing out of vents when the heater is on. Inspect your ductwork and ensure that it is okay and get it fixed if there is an issue.

Size of the heater

It may be time to evaluate the size of the heater for the job at hand. While your electrical heater may work fine during mildly cold nights. It faces an uphill task when it comes to heating your house during harsh winter nights. It may be time for you to consider getting a bigger heater for use during negative temperature winter days.

Clogged Vents

Dirty filters and dirt buildup in your vents may block warm air from passing through quickly, leading to cold air infusing into your warm air. As a result, you end up with cold air venting out.

These are the most common culprits when it comes to electric heater troubleshooting if your heater is blowing cold air. It could also be a result of a broken heater, so if all the options above fail then hire a professional to fix the problem.