People Dislike Going Home From College

Why Do People Dislike Going Home From College?

Millennials are earning 20% less than their parents did at their age. And the expenses are higher.

Housing has the largest fixed cost of living. Millennials spend almost 45% of their income on rent. Between the ages of 22-30.

Not to mention most college graduates graduate with student loans.

Sometimes you will move back home due to financial reasons. To pay off the student loans. As well as to create a savings fund for yourself.

When you are at home, you get to save a lot of money. However, this comes with financial discipline. Because with no bills to pay, it can be tricky to save.

The idea of a luxurious lifestyle might seem convincing, as well as purchasing items you don’t need. But are trending at the moment.

During this period, you develop a saving culture. So that when you are debt free and with more money. You can manage it well.

You can even save to put a down payment for a house. It is important to set a specific goal of when you want to move out. As well as the financial milestone you ought to have achieved.

To be precise with calculations, what do you save when living at home. Would take a longer time to reach that value. While paying rent.

It might feel shameful at first. To move back home. Sometimes like, you are taking a step backward. 

To how you were living after high school. Only that now you have a whole new set of skills and experiences.

But you are not taking a step backward. Rather you are setting yourself up to succeed around people who love and will support you.

Even in a game, there is halftime. A period the players are given to catch their breath. Before embarking on the final round that will determine their victory. So it’s okay to move back home.

The other reason you would feel weird to move back home. Is losing your independence and autonomy from having no one to ask you questions. To be asked constantly.

It is natural for your parents to inquire about your whereabouts. But having spent 4 years or so alone. It might feel different.

On the upside, being at home will help you strengthen your relationship with your parents. You are now older with wisdom you didn’t have when you were a teen.

Moreover, you gain invaluable time with your parents. They are getting older. Therefore moments like going for a walk together. Or watching a movie will go a long way.

You also get the opportunity to learn new things about each other.

To make your move back home seem seamless. Create a financial plan to pay off any debts and save. So you don’t end up spending your extra money.

Take on more responsibility around the house. Don’t take your parent’s time for granted. And express gratitude for everything they do for you.

Understand that when you move back home. You are going to feel smothered and a little bit controlled. But you have to respect the rules.

When you are at home, you get the chance to plan for your future self. In a more comfortable environment. Especially if you are in a transition period and unemployed.

With this time that you have. Where you have no obligations whatsoever, use them for self-development. Read books, get to exercise, and observe your behavior patterns.

These are lifelong routines and habits that are healthy right now that you will carry with you for the rest of your life, which will pay dividends in the future.

Carry some of the items that are sentimental to you. It could be string lights. Your favorite books. Or the comforter that you love. Such things will help you settle back home well. 

It is always good to invest in space in which you will spend most of your time. 

Moving back home is a tricky situation. You get to battle feelings of not being at par with your peers. As well as far behind with the expectations, you had set.

Do you know that in some cultures, it is normal to move back home after college? Then live with your parents until you get married. 

So whether the move will be a good experience will depend on your perspective. You can still do everything you want under your parent’s roof.

I’m sure it would be nice on nights you are working late. To come home to a home-cooked meal by your mum.

This will save you time, which you can use to learn a new skill. Read a book as well as develop a hobby. Or just rest.

Comparing your life to others on social media will not help. People only highlight their best moments, not their struggles. 

Keep in mind that we can’t all move at the same pace. Our journeys are different.

You can always start a new chapter in your life. As well as keep constantly changing. 

There are many ways to reach a destination. Moving back home can’t be the worst thing in the world.

I think it is a great idea to move back home if it is a healthy environment. With no codependency. Just good vibes.

Another scenario where you would move back home. It is when you don’t work a standard 9-5 job. Perhaps you are a freelancer who does most of the job online.

So there is no location you need to go to. Nor an office you need to go to. For you to shorten your commute.  

Here is the main reason why people move out. Is having a job in a different location.

On the flip side, you could be a millionaire and still choose to live at home simply because it’s boring to live alone. And the quality of your life is affected.

Perhaps the joy of your life is not found in a  luxurious penthouse. All alone, segregated from other people. You long for meaningful conversation with people you love.

The laundry machine, vacuum, refrigerator, and kitchen appliances can be shared if you are one of those people who don’t derive joy from owning things individually.

That money can be used to adopt an expensive hobby like skiing. Perhaps travel all over the world. As well as eating at expensive restaurants.

In case you travel a lot. You don’t want to be paying double rent. You are renting an Airbnb, and the rent of the apartment is mostly empty.

So now that you have moved into your parents, when is it a good time to move out. To begin with, if you find yourself questioning whether you can afford it. Then it’s not the right time.

You always want the security that comes after renting an apartment. You can afford to live in it.

Whenever you need space from your family, feel free to book an Airbnb for the weekend. Or go visit a friend. Then come back home.

Social media has lied to us. With this painted picture, they put on how teens move out of home by 18. And never go back home unless it’s the holiday.

Home is always the spot you can reset and regroup. It is almost like a forever place. You can always return when you need to spin up another plan.

Finally, when moving back home. Keep in mind that it is not a permanent situation. You are there to figure out your next move.

There is no place like home.