Wrong to Clean the House at Night

Is It Wrong to Clean the House at Night?

During ancient times, electricity was not there. It was believed if you swept or mopped the house at night. 

You were throwing out prosperity. The light of the lamp was not enough. Hence the possibility of sweeping out jewelry and precious stones. 

Now, we have electricity, which provides enough light to see even at night. You can continue cleaning the house just as if it’s during the day.

There are different ways to clean the house. All cleaning can’t happen in one day. It is not only tiresome but will also make you dread the next cleaning day.

The key is to have tips to keep your house clean and tidy. So that even when you are cleaning at night. You are doing easy tasks that will make your work easier the following morning.

Let’s be honest, after eating dinner. Your body naturally wants to rest and relax from the day’s activities. 

Therefore, you can’t start scrubbing and vacuuming the house at that time. As well as dusting the windows and your chairs. These activities are too vigorous to be done at night.

The type of cleaning to go for should be light work. Each activity should not take more than five minutes of your time.

It should be quick and easy as you prepare to go to bed. Or catch up on your favorite shows with your loved ones.

One type of cleaning is to clear out the utensils you have used for dinner. Put them away in the dishwasher if you have one. Or hand wash them. 

The utensils should not be many if you follow the rule of cleaning as you cook. You will probably only have your plates and the glasses used.

Nothing is a mood killer like waking up to dirty dishes in the morning. Or the dining table with food crumbs from the previous night. While serving coffee.

So make sure to wipe the kitchen counter, the dinner table, and the living room table, especially if they are made of marble or glass. They tend to get sticky and dusty easily.

The only vacuuming you should do is around the areas food particles are likely to have fallen. To avoid stepping on them. And transferring them to the couch or the bed.

Rearrange the pillows in the living room. During the day, the pillows get messed up. As well as displaced. Take the time to arrange them as they should be.

While doing that, get rid of anything on the floor. That might cause someone to trip. Return items like the laptop to their rightful place. Since work is done for the day.

Or any other item that does not belong in the living area. If you have children, you will need to arrange the playroom. As they grow older, teach them how to clean after themselves.

But until they are of age. Put away all the toys that were used during the day. Here is where the one-touch principle of cleaning applies. 

Always have a place for everything. Then have everything in its place at the end of each day. Cleaning gets easier if everything has its own home.

As you clean at night, a tip to consider is to be kind to your future self. Therefore clean as you go. So while you are cooking, maybe something is boiling. Wipe out the surfaces.

When brushing your teeth and washing your face before bed. Clean the sink as well. It’s a mirror.

If you or the kids take a bath before bed. Quickly clean the bathroom when you are done. To leave it fresh for the following morning routine of getting ready.

Follow the five-minute and the one-touch method. If the cleaning can be done in five minutes, do it immediately.

It could be arranging pillows as mentioned earlier. Perhaps putting laundry in the washing machine. So that they can get cleaned through the night. As well as folding the laundry.

Doing a little cleaning every day will go a long way. As compared to doing all the cleaning at once. So if you get the opportunity to do some cleaning at night, it will make the work during the day easier.

Another type of cleaning you can do at night is decluttering. You can declutter a room each night as you put away items you don’t need, which will be given away altogether.

This will help you to get on top of things. And if you do that often, it becomes a habit. Your house gets cleaner over time.

While cleaning at night, don’t leave a room empty-handed. For example, when putting your child to sleep. Go out of their room with the dirty laundry. Also, any utensils left behind.

You are more likely to clean if you like the products you use. For instance, you could get a robot vacuum. To clean after you while putting the kids to bed.

Create a cleaning routine. Have a morning one and an evening one. The activities you put on either will depend on your free time once it becomes a habit. It will automatically fit into your life.

Have the cleaning products you will use at night near you. For example, the surface spray and glass cleaner. It will make the cleaning quick. As well as save on time used to get the products.

Set a timer and speed clean. You will be amazed at how much you can do in ten or fifteen minutes. When the time is up, go to bed.

Make sure all the tasks for the evening are done before getting cozy. Or brewing your evening cup of tea. So that you get to relax all at once.

When cleaning at night, treat it as ‘me’ time. Have your favorite podcasts playing in the background for those ten or fifteen minutes. An audiobook would also suffice.

You can also call your family members. Or catch up with an old friend. As well as make those calls that you know will put you on hold for a long time.

This will make time pass by quickly. And before you know it, you are done with the tasks.

Don’t forget to involve the family in cleaning. Delegate chores to everyone. Let someone be clearing the table. While the other put away dishes in the dishwasher.

This will make the cleaning less overwhelming. As well as teach a lesson on responsibility.

To conclude, cleaning at night is not bad. Just don’t do the heavy general cleaning. Your body already knows that it is time to rest.

Having a cleaning schedule will help. You will get to know the tasks to do at a time. Without feeling the pressure of doing everything at once.

The cleaning done at night should make your work easier the following day. Nobody wants to wake up to clean the previous day’s mess.

Moreover, night cleaning sets a good tone for the next day. You wake up feeling organized. Ready to tackle new tasks.

Always have tasks at hand that, no matter what, must be done. It could be wiping surfaces, the sinks, and the kitchen counter.

Don’t leave much on the surfaces at night. Items laying around are visually unappealing.